Corporate and Regulatory Disclosures

The European Commission has established a European online dispute resolution platform (OS platform) under Consumers may use the OS platform to resolve disputes arising from online contracts with providers established in the EU.

You will find below the corporate and regulatory disclosures relating to STARKE GmbH group and subsidiaries:

CB Energie GmbH

Domiciled in Leer • HRB № 201 965 • Leer Local Court
Managing Director: Thomas Starke
VAT Identification Number: DE277931851

Regulatory authority:
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

Subsidiary of STARKE GmbH

EnergyCrew GmbH

Domiciled in Leer • HRB № 205 111 • Leer Local Court
Managing Director: Thomas Starke
VAT Identification Number: DE325827807

Subsidiary of STARKE GmbH

ProjectsPort GmbH

Domiciled in Leer • HRB № 205 846 • Leer Local Court
Managing Director: Thomas Starke
VAT Identification Number: DE342462893

Subsidiary of STARKE GmbH


Domiciled in Leer • HRB № 205 772 • Leer Local Court
Managing Director: Thomas Starke
VAT Identification Number: DE341882663

Holding company

Am Nesseufer 32 | 26789 Leer
0491 96 06 63 10